Best-selling author

sold more than 70,000 copies

Comfortably on your couch, a chapter before bed, or with your face in the sun, Jaap’s book is a good read no matter where you are. It is accessible, full of humor, and an inspiration for any moment.

Are you looking for a nice book to enjoy or a nice gift for your colleagues, relations or good friend? We are happy to help you.

We also have interesting volume discounts for organizations, email us

Book: where there’s a wheel, there’s a way

An engaging and easily readable book with 27 short personal stories. How do you get more joy out of what you do, while also empowering others? It’s quite simple really, by increasing your own value-adding capacity.

Jaap Bressers seemed destined to become a top executive at a company somewhere. Until he broke his neck in a diving accident at age 21 and ended up in a wheelchair. It turned his life upside down and drastically changed his outlook on the world around him. Meanwhile, he has grown into one of the Netherlands’ most sought-after speakers.

With humor and emotion, Jaap inspires you to get even more out of your work and life. By seeing change as an opportunity to follow your passion. Personal, short stories that inspire you and help you see your added value. And those of others. Because if you take the first step yourself, the rest will follow. Whatever happens, as Jaap always says: 'where there's a wheel, there's a way'

Jaap bresser's bestseller where there is a wheel is to personalize a road book

Making it personal makes all the difference:

Want to make it all that little bit more personal? We have various options for that too, such as:

  • Add your own bookmark with a personal message
  • An additional page in the book with a personal company message (from 400 copies)


We can also take care of the whole shipping process for you. For that, we use the services of people with poor job prospects, so that even the mere sending of the books will already put a smile on someone’s face.

To find out more about what’s possible, send an email to

A free mini book for you

To inspire even more people, I have also written a free ebook entitled The power of little things. Totally free? Yes, absolutely free. Because I believe that when more people start to look honestly at what beautiful things they can do with little gestures, we can really change the world together.

Or at least your own world.

Sustainable choices

Each and every copy of Jaap’s books is produced sustainably. They are made of leaves and stems from agricultural waste that would otherwise have been burned. Aside from that, the ink is organic and no chemical printing processes were used.

While printing books is generally a fairly environmentally damaging process, Jaap's books even produce more nature. He also has fifty new trees and shrubs planted in a local food forest per print.

Jaap bresser's bestseller where there is a wheel is to personalize a road book


Give a bestselling book by Jaap as a gift to all your colleagues, customers or other guests at your event. Success assured!

We are of course happy to think along with you:

  • signing the books or making a bookmark together with a personal message
  • An additional page in the book with a personal company message (from 400 copies)
  • the festive wrapping of the books
  • We can also (if desired) send the books to people's homes, so that they can be surprised with a nice gift at a later time.

Would you like more information about the volume discount or possibilities? Send an email to